Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall 2011 Commence

I love fall, there's nothing I don't like about it. I especially love seeing the slow transition from summer clothes to fall clothes. Kinda like seeing the leaves go from green to red.

Fall 2011

This fall I am hoping to wear...
 a cape- this is like a way cooler  version of the poncho, cause you're wearing a cape (like batman, but fashionable).
argyle socks with my wellies. I live in a very rainy state so my boots will be in frequent rotation and these cute socks peeking out will be just the thing to make me stand out.
an infinity scarf. I've wanted one for quite sometime but haven't been able to actually get around to buying it. But it would be a definite staple in  my wardrobe.
fall dresses! I hardly ever wear dresses but my goal is to wear more dresses except that all my dresses are for spring/summer. So a fall/winter dress that I can wear with tights is a definite must.
a backpack. I've seen it everywhere, and people look especially cooler when they walk around with one/ it'll be easier to carry my books when I finally get my bike up here.
beanie- self explanatory.
these wedge booties make my shoe fetish heart beat twenty times faster. they would give a plain outfit some edge.

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