Monday, June 20, 2011

One Day {Book Review}

To your left is my 'Current Reads' widget. My 'Current Read' is -or was- One Day by David Nicholls. I say 'was', because I finished it on Saturday. It was an amazing book to say the least. It had me laughing hysterically and then on the edge of tears the next. The 400+ pages really gets you to connect with these characters. The next thing I know I feel as if their problems, anxieties, desires are mine. Being set in the UK I made the sudden transition of reading in my head with a really fake British accent. It was perfect. Read, Read, Read this book!! I really hated finishing it though, 'cause waking up Sunday morning and not being able to read about what happens next to these characters killed me.
BTW: Read before you watch the movie, it really is the ONLY way to do it.

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