Tuesday, February 1, 2011

7 Things On My Mind

1. School is kicking my butt lately and it doesn't help that i have major senioritis (seniors who no longer feel that they need to do school work). It's hard to think on the bright side when you keep getting layered on with homework and project. Thankfully tomorrow i have a field trip for marine biology to see elephant seals (pictures to come)!
2. i have been working out pretty consistently for a week now and my regimen now includes weight lifting in the morning, cause apparently if you work out in the morning you continue to burn fat throughout the day!
3. It has been rather nippy so a nice cup of hot chocolate sounds amazing, especially in some of the class rooms that have no heat. 
4. Juanes is coming to SF March 12 and i have been dying to get tickets soon. He is a musician from Colombia, has won 17 Latin Grammys and his music is absolutely amazing. He can go from being super upbeat to being really soft and endearing. That man can work a guitar. 
5. Black Button Ups: I have wanted one ever since i saw women working in a D&G store in Capri and i finally found a great one over the weekend. They look amazing with jeans and can be dressed up for night time. 
6. Cuba: My school is going to Cuba in June for a month and i want to go soo bad. However, my dad wants me to take an internship in the city. i couldn't imagine a better time than lounging in Cuba learning about dance, music, and practicing my already fluent Spanish! Internship or Cuba? Any suggestions?
7. Gossip Girl: i missed it this week so i feel a little lost cause i need a Blair fix real bad! Can't wait for the weekend to catch up on this weeks TV episodes

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