Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What to Buy: Forever 21

Stars have been rocking the J Brand Cargo Pants, but for those of us who can't drop 200 dollars on a pair of pants- forever 21 has a much more wallet friendly version. We all need a jacket for the coming months, and this one is perfect if you live in the Bay- light enough to wear indoors but heavy enough to keep you warm. I really like the baby pink color of the purse, which has two different handles. I have a straw fedora that I wear in the summer, but for winter a darker and fabric fedora is more suitable. These are all great items to give to a loved one!


  1. Those F21 cargos are a great alternative to the JBrand cargos!

  2. This is too cute! And those pants look great.


Thanks for the love!