A very long time ago I used to be in hula, tap, and ballet dance classes- until I complained to my mom that my legs hurt from all my dancing. Flash forward to the present: I cannot dance for the life of me, if I do I am counting the beats out loud "1,2,3 and 1,2,3..."What is even more annoying is my sister can dance, she just starts moving to the song and somehow it looks choreographed. From time to time my sister likes to share her wisdom with me and we create a dance routine. Because of Winter Break we decided to do a dance to Lady Gaga's "Telephone" (Glee Version). Right now we are in the process of coming up with the steps and making it all flow- but once we're done we are planning on videotaping ourselves and posting the video on my blog! So in about a week or so, I will make my dancing debut to the inter-webs. Get ready!
We need to get on that.