After tomorrow I will be on vacation for two weeks!!! The first week however is part of DEALL (a program at my school) and I will be learning the ins and outs of motorcycles, in the hopes of getting my license and one day owning a red vespa! The next week will be spring break, and I will probably be looking at colleges in Vermont, Oregon, and Washington to make my final decision for my new school andtemporary home. This week has been fun (spirit week wise) and really stressful (school wise), teachers realize that us seniors are getting a little lazy and therefore decided to pile on the work before we leave. Losers. With that in mind these are the two songs for song of the week.
Moment 4 Life (Feat. Drake) by Nicki Minaj: so much fun to rap along to and just soak in the warmth that the city has been getting these last few days!
Gold Digger (Feat. Jamie Foxx) by Kanye West: Ask my friends, I love Kanye's music. I just get so pumped up and just can work through anything with Kanye.
I love that song by Nicki Minaj!