In my attempt to read more I decided it was time to clean up the old bookshelf. My sister and I had piled book on top of book, until there was no room for anything else. We took everything out, included board games, movies, and obviously books, and then picked out the ones we would never use again or didn't like.
Next we made groups of the books by the last name of author and began putting them back on the shelves. It surprisingly didn't take that long, with the exception of stopping a few times to read a couple pages of an old book. Turns out I have actually read a lot of books throughout high school. We also put pictures of ourselves, a stuffy, a monkey clock, and a mask to be used as holders and to add a little individuality.
My bookshelf! We did a fantastic job. at first i didn't want to do it, but i'm glad i listend to you, because it need to be cleaned real baaaaaaaaaad.