Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Summer 2010 Begins!

It is finally summer 2010! I finished all my finals today, I can't say that I aced them all but I am not looking back!

So what exactly is my plan for summer 2010? Well until mid-late June I will be living the great life and enjoying
whatever sunny weather I can catch! After that I am working and perhaps taking a week off to look at colleges. Other
then that I will try to hang out with my friends as much as possible!

I am currently reading Love In The Time Of Cholera which is proving to be quite an interesting read, as i cannot put it down. What I am looking
forward to reading the most is the love between Ferimina and Florentino, and eventually comparing it to the movie.

What I am really craving for this summer is tons of hair accessories. In the form of headbands, clips, and hats.

Here are some of my favs:

I have been eyeing that bow headband for quite sometime now, but i am not sure I can pull it off... I'll come up with something.

Images courtesy and

1 comment:

Thanks for the love!