Monday, November 22, 2010

Holiday Gift Guide Part 1

The Holidays are just a month away and people are already gift shopping! I went to the stores on Sunday and they were packed, I thought people always procrastinate their gift shopping? Well, shopping early or late is always a daunting and sometimes frustrating task. Trust me, I had a hard time making this gift guide. But if it is any help at all, I'm glad. Almost Thanksgiving!

  1. Flannel Shirts- so cozy during the winter and work great every other day of the year.
  2. Rings- they are always so fun to pick out
  3. Leggings- I can never stress how much leggings are appreciated! 
  4. Books- The Help was so good, I personally recommend it 
  5. Bags- you can never have too many bags
  6. Nail Polish- so much fun to play around with- and you can get really good at mani-pedis 
  7. Slippers- these bunny slippers look super cute and cozy
  8. Ear Warmers- way cuter than your normal ear muffs
  9. Yoga Mats- be eco friendly as you downward dog your way to flexibility
  10. Gift of Music- itunes baby, never gets old
  11. Chapstick- no idea how chappy lips can get during the winter months

More to come

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